The video "Ma maison pour hôpital" is the creation that stemmed from the first meeting of our two universes.
Stéphane Moiroux had accomplished a photographic work based on the everyday life of his grandmother, affected by a handicap, for the project Territoires de fictions. This artistic project suggested the use of photography via video as the footbridge between information and artistic creation. I was asked to choose a reportage that interested me and to create a video based on it. Without meeting Stéphane, I chose a work of his that expressed sensibility, a quality in the composition of the images, as well as a beautiful narrative potential. Thus I began, in collaboration with a friend editor, the transformation of these photographic series into a video creation of two minutes. It was only after the video was finished and chosen to be presented in the opening of the festival of photography in Arles that we actually met.
The blending of our two sensibilities took form through this creation, and it naturally invited us to walk towards more projects together.